all wise men are fools, and idiots geniuses. the strong are cowards, and lovers liars. saints are demons in righteous clothing, and rebels are good dogs who abide by the law. politicians are like ghosts—they are terrible at lying, for you can see right through them, and they never have and never will hold public office. if you do what you love, you will be condemned to work every single day of your life. the manual laborer or desk apparatchik or money lender or big shot has never worked a single day in her life, for she has achieved absolutely nothing and never will. the love of god is the root of all evil. the fear of money is the domain of the wealthy. those who lay claim to ordinariness are strange and untrustworthy ilk. the only honest people who walk upon this land are the impostors and the hypocrites, for they dare not pretend.